Where can I download the products’ owner’s manuals?
You can download PDF versions of our products’ Owner’s
Manuals here. In order to open the
Owner’s Manuals, you’ll need to download Adobe’s Acrobat
Reader Here.
I’m having trouble processing my order or have a question about the
product. Where do I find help?
You may contact TKO’s sales department:
by email: sales@tko.com
by using the Contact Us section of the TKO site:
Contact Us
by phone: 1.866.856.3488 ext. 2 – Monday through Friday,
8:00am through 5:00pm CST.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards (VISA, MasterCard,
American Express & Discover) with a U.S. billing address.
How do you ship the products?
Most orders will ship via UPS but larger/heavier orders
will ship via LTL Carrier (truck). All internet purchases that
go via LTL will automatically include Residential Delivery,
Lift Gate and Inside Delivery charges.
How long does it take to receive my order?
Orders generally ship within 1-2 business days and can take
an additional 3-5 business days of transit to be delivered to
the final destination.
Can you ship out of the country?
Yes. For international shipping quotes, please contact us
by phone: 1.866.856.3488 ext. 2
by email: sales@tko.com
I did not get a confirmation.
You should receive an email soon after making a purchase
from www.tkostrength.com. If you still haven’t received a
confirmation/receipt email an hour or so after the transaction
has taken place, please contact us directly by phone
(1.866.856.3488) or by email (sales@tko.com) and we’ll send you
one. Be sure when finalizing the transaction that you have
entered your correct current email address.
Can I return an item?
Yes. Please contact TKO Strength by phone
(1.866.856.3488) or by email (sales@tko.com) to obtain an RA#
(Return Authorization). Once the product has been received,
inspected and approved, then a credit can be issued. Credits or
refunds are not offered for the return shipping charges and if
the returned item is not approved for a credit, you are then
responsible for any re-shipping charges.
Is this a secure site?
Yes. TKO Sports Group respects your personal information
and will NOT sell or distribute it to
3rd-party solicitors or anyone else. We have and SSL
Certificate which adds an additional layer of protection
against hackers or any malicious software or websites. This
ensures that your information is safe with us. The identity of
TKO Sports Group USA Limited (www.tko.com) at Houston, TX USA
has been verified by DigiCert High Assurance EV CA-1. For more
information, visit http://www.digicert.com/help
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